3 Design Trends for 2023 designers won’t tell you about.
We’re always trying to stay on the bleeding edge of trends in both design and tech. Those worlds are colliding. Here are three design trends that most designers won’t tell you about.

What Color Choice Says About Your Branding
Color is an impactful element of effective design. It heavily influences the “feel” and mood of a brand. Color also really influences consumer behavior (buying power), so thinking carefully about color choices is an important part of the design process.

White Space is Never Wasted Space: Most Underrated, Yet Most Powerful Design Tool
The goal of white space is to reduce the amount of content a viewer sees all at once, and facilitate clear communication between the message/design and the viewer.

How Graphic Designers Can Reduce Their Environmental Impact
You might wonder what graphic design has to do with environment. It’s beyond choosing the right paper. Decisions like paper, ink and materials all reduce the carbon footprint of a design piece and produces fewer emissions and uses more natural resources.

3 Visual Identity Design Trends We’re Loving in 2022
As designers, our job is to keep up with design trends and see what works and what doesn’t for our clients. It’s important to keep evolving but not buy into every trend that comes our way. So, in 2022, here are the top three trends we’re loving right now!

Visual Identity Process
The best logos out there are the most recognizable. Your customers will love it. Don’t try to win over the folks that hate it, they’re not your target customer anyways.