Top Social Media Myths From Our Social Media Managers
Written By Melissa Carrick
Social media is easy, right? Anyone can do it. Uh yeah sure. Anyone who can multi-task, understand strategy, stay up-to-date on the latest trends, create engaging content while managing their business and on and on and on. There can be a lot to understand when it comes to social media and a lot of myths that might get in the way of finding success.
Take it from our social media managers who have firsthand debunked these common social media myths and proven why working with a social media manager can be valuable for your business.
MYTH 1: Only young people use social media
Unless your customers are over the age of 90, then yeah they might not have a social media account. Other than that, you’ll find that everyone uses some form of social media and it’s just a matter of finding what works best for your audience.
“While you’ll see younger generations using TikTok, Snapchat and BeReal, you will find that most generations are using Facebook to connect with others.” - Courtney Beall, Social Media Manager.
Did someone say Facebook is dying? According to Facebook:
% Facebook Users By Age
MYTH 2: Your business should be on every social platform
Okay, so just because we said you should be on social, doesn’t mean ALL social. There’s a time and a place for each platform. You just have to ask yourself, where does my business belong? This all depends on your target audience, type of content, business goals and more. Here’s a quick guide to deciding which platform will work for you.
Audience soure: Statistica
MYTH 3: Social media is just a sales tool
Yes, social media is a great sales tool that needs to be taken advantage of, but it isn’t just a sales tool. Social media is all about connection. It’s a great way to connect with new and existing customers by sharing employee spotlights, behind the scenes and more. Being authentic and engaging is one of the best ways to find new customers.
As a social media coordinator, we are constantly making connections with our customers by responding to their questions, hearing their concerns and celebrating our client’s success with them. Community management is essential to your presence on any channel.
MYTH 4: Your content should only be about your products and services
Contrary to the popular selfie era, your social media shouldn’t be all about you. There’s this thing called the 70/20/10 rule that breaks it down for you.
70% of your content should help build your brand and community - blogs, tips, videos, memes, etc.
20% of your content should be shared content related to your industry - news articles, recipe videos, etc.
10% of your content should promote your business - subscribe, shop, visit our website, etc.
At the end of the day, posting content that resonates with your audience will make your page more relatable and in turn boost your followers and likes. “You can attract new fans by mixing up your content from time to time. Appropriate use of humor can be appealing and cute animals are always a win, for example!” - Jen Call, Senior Social Media Manager
MYTH 5: Social media marketing is free
Most social media platforms are free to download, but there’s always an advantage to spending some money. You can pay to boost posts or run ad campaigns which helps increase your reach and find new customers. The more you spend, the more likely your business profile will see the results.
Here’s what our Senior Social Media Manager Melissa has to say, “Social media marketing can be some of the cheapest marketing there is but the more you spend on social ads, the more awareness, engagement and website traffic you'll see for your business!”
When done correctly, social media can help you create a community with your customers, build brand loyalty, increase awareness and ultimately, attract customers to your business. Let’s get started!